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Broken Porcelain

Published By - Blackbird Books

Book Description

Broken Porcelain is not just a book of essays describing one Black woman's experience of mental illness, but rather a memoir-in-essays that shatters the walls of our hearts and guides us towards empathy all while providing social commentary that demystifies stigmas of mental illness.

In her singular lyrical prose, Relebone Rirhandzu eAfrika covers topics such as social media's role in how we view depression, generational trauma, what self-care really is, taking anti-depressant medication, and finding love when you are mentally ill. The author writes with poignant honesty about the darkness of her mental illness and breaks down what mental illness is (and is not).

Broken Porcelain is an urgent invitation to open our hearts and minds to learning, listening, and daring to face our own hidden pain. Rirhandzu eAfrika provides us with the perspective of what it means to survive a brain that is trying to sabotage you and stand as a strong reminder that those who suffer with mental illness are not alone.


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